Download the largest
Physics Dictionary offline
with over tons of Physics terms. Explanations of words are provided with definition, synonyms and mcqs.
Definations are explained with usage and easy illustrations to understand proper translation. One can listen audio pronunciation of Physics words to read and speak words in correct manner.
Dictionary of physics
is not complicated that much, you just search word and get results.
Physics Dictionary
contains one of the largest database of Physics words. There is auto suggestion available in this applications so you don’t need to type. Apart from search result you will get suggestions also for extra reading.
1. Quick search, easy and UI/UX interface, optimized also for Android tablets.
Physics Dictionary
works in OFFLINE mode. No data connection is required once the app download. So you can access dictionary of physics with you everywhere in your Android device.
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4. It provides Audio English definitions, Word Pronunciation of the word you search.
5. Search for
Physics words
and bookmark it for later use.
6. History – every word you ever searched is stored in history.
7. Favorites – you can add any physics term to favorites list.
8. This app contains advertisement.
physics dictionary online
, you will able to get solution of any Physics formulas for study and research. This app includes most popular terms in category wise.
Dictionary of physics
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Physics terminology
includes basic physics meanings, essential formulas related to calculus formulas.
Physics Dictionary
is a complete Physics study app for students and professors which covers all the topics from base to highest level in free of cost.
Physics dictionary online
has been designed in the best possible manner so that the user can constantly experience new version and update their knowledge.
Apart from meanings, mcqs test also given so users can taste their knowledge anytime.
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